Gina Russo

Fullstack Web Developer

Educational Technology and Library Media Specialist

Due to the global emergence of remote learning as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been an increased need for tools that engage students in a fun and interactive way. When effective teaching strategies are applied, educational technology provides the resources necessary to facilitate learning through both synchronous and asynchronous learning approaches, with the use of various software and hardware applications. 

Coding isn't just for computer programmers!

Coding as a literacy has become one of the basic fundamentals of learning like reading, writing and arithmetic. It is an important skill for children to learn because it engages computational thinking, which helps them to become proficient in critical thinking, and supports problem-solving across all disciplines. Coding fosters creativity and allows students to become critical thinkers through collaboration and effective communication.

The integration of instructional technology, and its influences that impact regular and special education, including assistive and educational technology.

Common Core and ISTE standards-based lesson planning for English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.

How media, texting, chat, status updates, and hypertext change the way we read and interpret texts, both in and out of the classroom.  

Design and develop innovative curriculum utilizing instructional digital age  technologies that will challenge students to pursue in-depth understanding of subject content.

Utilize effective teaching methodology and create learning environments to promote success for students with disabilities.

Create learning environments to promote academic, social and emotional growth for English language learners and culturally diverse students.